Basement Entrance
The bulkhead entrance to the basement. This is where the water enters the basement and causes problems.

Inside the basement
Here is a before picture of the entrance. It hasn't rained in a while and you can see the water marks on the floor, from previous rain.

During construction
The trench has been dug out and the WaterGuard has been put in place.

The Pit
The pit is ready for the SuperSump Pump to be installed.

Finished WaterGuard
The WaterGuard is in place and the cement has covered it.

SuperSump Pump
The SuperSump Pump is all set, just waiting for the cement to dry.

SuperSump Pump & WaterGuard
The SuperSump Pump and the WaterGuard are installed. Together, with the TrenchDrain, they will make sure the customers basement will stay dry for good.

The new TrenchDrain will collect any water that runs down the stairs and send it down the WaterGuard and to the SuperSump Pump. The SuperSump Pump will discharge the water away from the home.