SuperSump Pump Prep
As our team began to jackhammer the area to place the SuperSump pump, they ran into the radiant heat, but they quickly repaired the tubing and redirected it to go around the pump stand, allowing both systems to work as they should. This photo shows the pump stand for the SuperSump, the clean stone, and WaterGuard System.

SuperSump Pump Installed
This is the fully installed SuperSump Pump with a primary pump and an UltraSump Battery Back-Up Pump that will kick in if there's ever a power outage, pump failure, or tripped circuit.

Digging to Install the Discharge Line
This is one of two discharge lines installed for this project. This is the discharge for the SuperSump pump, and on the opposing side of the home, there is an additional discharge line for the TripleSafe pump system. They installed the discharge with an IceGuard to protect the basement from flooding when the discharge line freezes. The also placed a LawnScape Outlet at the end of the discharge to disperse the water.

WaterGuard Installed
This is the finished flooring over the WaterGuard Drainage System. This drainage is installed just underneath the perimeter edge of the basement floor to collect water before it can enter the basement.

TripleSafe Sump Pump During Installation
Our team worked very carefully with this basement foundation due to the radiant heat system in the concrete. In the areas of the pump systems, they had to extend the radiant tubing to go around the pump base. This system is now ready to have concrete poured around it.

Fully Installed TripleSafe Sump Pump
This is the fully installed TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This is our MOST reliable pump with a primary pump, a secondary pump to help with heavy water flow or primary pump failure, an UltraSump Battery Back-up Pump, and a WaterWatch Alarm that will sound if the water ever rises about the point at which the system should have turned on. With this pump in place, this family doesn't have to worry about having a wet basement again!